Michael Grant

Michael Grant


I’ve been thinking a lot about “emergence” lately, since with luck we’ll all be emerging from social isolation within a few more weeks and looking around at whatever’s left of our lives. I have a feeling there are a lot of aspects of our former ways of working and living that we won’t be able to go back to, any many others that we won’t want to. Our “business as usual” was already failing in increasingly obvious ways, and this forced reset is one of those crises that we can’t afford to let go to waste. Those of us fortunate enough not to be dealing with actual medical emergencies have an opportunity now to make choices that could shape not just our personal lives, but our whole societies for generations. So… currently mulling ideas for at least a major blog post on that theme, and beyond that we’ll see what emerges. I’d love to hear any thoughts y’all might have along these lines.