
At Port Aransas. Not exactly beach weather yet this time of year, but the fresh air and seafood are nice.

It’s a well-deserved honor, and I hope it will expose more people to his work, but there’s no way the tiny area of a postage stamp can even begin to do Adams’ luxurious textural masterpieces justice.

Also, where’s Moonrise Hernandez?, Jason Kottke: USPS to Release Ansel Adams Stamps

Happy International Mother Language Day! Taken literally, my “mother language” is Low German — what’s yours?…

Another gorgeous day for Coffee Shop Office Hours at Mozart’s on Lake Austin. Come by and say howdy if you’re in the area — I’ll be here till 5:30 or so.

There’s got to be a better way to run an election campaign than constantly spamming your own supporters.

Congratulations to the Cherokee Nation on securing a $900,000 language preservation grant from the US Department of the Interior. Funds will be used to support immersion schooling, teacher training, and curriculum and teaching material development. MultiLingual Magazine has more details.


Applications are open for the 2024 Texas State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) grant program, which provides stipends of up to $10,000 to eligible small businesses starting or expanding exports to foreign markets. Click here for more info and free application assistance.TX Dept Ag Seal.png

It’s a gorgeous springlike day on Lake Austin, where I’m holding Coffee Shop Office Hours at Mozart’s until around 5:45. Drop by and say howdy if you’re nearby!

I can’t really call it Office Hours today since I’ll only be here about half an hour, but I’m hanging out at Mozart’s on Lake Austin for a while. If you happen to be nearby, come say hello!

Tuesday Coffee Shop Office Hours on foggy Lake Austin at Mozart’s today. I’ll only be here for about 45 minutes, but please come by and say hello if you happen to be in the neighborhood.

Permanence is temporary.

Not all Michelin star restaurants offer free tire rotations but you can usually get gas.

☞ This season is about launching!

Is anyone else noticing their iPhone duplicating text they just typed? For exampleample — well, I was about to paste something from a recent Messages convo when that ⬆️ happened.

There’s the Big Deadline (emphasis on “dead”). But now that I’ve booked my flight for a five-month stay in Europe to open the Prague office later this year, there’s also the less ominous but hopefully much closer Little Deadline to get Swift Passage up and running smoothly again. I’m determined to get it right this time and want to think everything through carefully before I get too caught up in day-to-day client engagements. But the ticking is getting louder by the day.

Holding Coffee Shop Office Hours at Merit Coffee in the Triangle today. Come by andd say hello if you’re nearby!

Incidentally, I’ll be moving Coffee Office Hours to Tuesdays starting ring next week.

It’s not just the diversity of languages themselves, but also that of the writing systems that express and preserve them, that is endangered around the world. Tim Brookes, founder of the Endangered Alphabets Project, estimates that some 85% of the world’s scripts are close to extinction. To encourage the study of written language within the discipline of linguistics and to support indigenous communities struggling to revitalize their unique writing systems, Brookes and the Endangered Alphabets Projects are organizing a free online event for World Endangered Writing Day on January 23, 2024. MultiLingual Magazine has more details and a registration link.


This is a remarkable sentence: “In the wilds of Rajasthan a naked army of shaven-headed Hindu sadhus was rumoured to be marching on Delhi, led by an old sorceress.”…

On a day like today, putting on jeans straight out of the dryer feels really good!

Holding Thursdays Coffee Office Hours at Genuine Joe as usual. Drop by and say howdy if you’re in the neighborhood!

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Thursday Coffee Office Hours at Genuine Joe. Come drop by and say howdy if you’re in the neighborhood (Anderson Ln, Austin).

I am horrified by yesterday’s mass shooting in my beloved once-and-future “third home” of Prague (report in English, in Czech). I took Czech classes in my first summer language program in the very building where it happened. My heart goes out to the victims, their families, and the people of this beautiful city.


Thursday Coffee Office Hours at Genuine Joe on Anderson Lane, Austin. Come say hi if you’re in the neighborhood!

Starting Office Hours a little late today, but if you’re anywhere near Genuine Joe on Anderson Lane in Austin, come on by and say howdy.